
Auction Reports

goats in the Karoo with windmill in the background

Clip composition

The sales period between 2020 and 2021 saw small but not insignificant changes in clip composition. Fine adult mohair increased by 3%, Kid mohair increased by 1%, Young goat mohair increased by 1%, whilst Strong adult mohair decreased by 5%. This aligns with the ongoing trend towards finer mohair in the market, most likely influenced by the long lasting drought in the Eastern Cape.


The clip composition between the different fibre types for 2021.



Trends of clip composition

The mohair clip composition is an indication of the age and fineness of the mohair fibre.  Kid Mohair (up to 6 - 12 months old), Young Goat 9 - 18 months +, Fine Adult and Strong Adult (24 months +). Kid mohair will be the finest mohair and the clip gets courser through the rest of the categories.

Over the last 10 years, the mohair clip got finer as can be seen in the graphs provided. The main reason for this is the severe drought the majority of the mohair production areas experienced over the last 7 years. The Majority of the mohair production areas have received some much needed rain in the last couple of months, which might effect the composition over the next period.

Y Axis kilograms (kg’s) vs X Axis clip composition

2022 edition

Mohair Journal

Each year in collaboration with industry leaders such as SAMGA and The Mohair Empowerment Trust, Mohair South Africa proudly produces an annual journal for the Mohair industry. The Journal focuses on telling the real stories from the animals, to the land they graze, the hands that handle the fibre, and the journey it travels to reach its final destination.

Find out the latest news and what has been happening in 2022. Page through our latest edition online today!

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