Caring for Mohair
Mohair helpful hints
With its delicate appearance, it is often a surprise to discover just how durable and hard-wearing mohair can be. As with most luxury fibres, however, mohair requires proper handling to ensure that it lasts and maintains its beauty over time.
Store garment in a cool dry place. Do not store in plastic.
Fold Knitwear
Do not keep knitted mohair garments on hangers.
Fold and store on a shelf
Avoid Perfume
Do not spray perfume directly on garment, especially if it is white.
Keep your Mohair looking full
To fluff up garment, lightly shake or gently brush down by hand.

Washing instructions
With a little care your Mohair items can last a life time. Below are some great guidelines* when caring for your Mohair items, however they in no way override the care instructions supplied with your purchased item. Each mohair product has a unique blend which can influence the care guidelines, for this reason we always recommend following the recommendations of the brand, provided with your recent purchase.
Mohair garments
Mohair items can be cleaned by a reputable dry cleaner, however Mohair suiting, and other fine mohair worsted cloth will recommend dry cleaning on their care label.
• Soak in tepid water using mild detergent recommended for washing wool (like Woolite), or even hair shampoo.
• Very gently agitate by hand to dislodge dirt particles.
• Rinse in clean, cool water. A small amount of fabric softener can be used if desired.
• Gently squeeze the item to expel the excess water.
If you have a front loader washing machine with a wool or silk/delicate cycle, use the wool cycle to ensure that your item will be washed at the correct temperature (Important: Temperature must be no higher than 30 °), and it won’t be spun. Use a wool washing detergent, to wash these items. Once the machine has finished its cycle, most of the water will have been removed.
Hang or lay flat to dry (mohair dries quite quickly). When dry, a brisk shake or brush (with a stiff hairbrush) will restore the pile. Gentle coaxing, rather than firm strokes, is advised to ease out tangle and create the downy pile for which Mohair is renowned.
IMPORTANT: Do not tumble dry.
Mohair carpet or rugs
Carpets, being of natural hair, are best washed with soap and water. A large carpet can be put on a deck or patio, soaked wet with a hose pipe and washed with warm water, hair shampoo or Woolite, and a soft scrubbing brush.
Rinse well with a hose pipe and leave to dry over a railing, a wall, or a garden table and some chairs. Choose a warm and windy day and your carpet will be dry within 24 hours. After washing, the carpet may appear a bit uneven in texture, but within a few days of walking on it, it will look smooth and new.
*We (Mohair South Africa) take no responsibility for any issues that arise by following these instructions. These are best practice guidelines and are solely based off recommendations by Mohair Manufacturers. Mohair South Africa cannot be held liable for any damage occurred from following these guidelines.

FAQ’s about Mohair
Want to know more about this Luxurious Fibre? Here you will find frequently asked questions
and answers from experts in the field.