Angora Goat Farming and Mohair Classing Courses Inspire Students Across Schools
Students at Oakdale
On 8 and 9 February, Sanmarie Vermaak, Beauty Mokgwamme and Karla Esterhuizen visited Oakdale Agricultural High School in Riversdale. They conducted an introduction to Angora goat farming followed by a session on mohair classing with 99 grade 10 students. The two days were highly productive, sparking interest in Angora goat farming among some students.
Feedback from some of the students:
“Dankie Mohair SA vir die angorabok bekendstelling kursus. Dit was ‘n lekker ervaring vir my en ek wens julle kon langer bly. Die kennis oor bokhaar soos CSFYG en CH2 is belangrik vir my want ek sal self in die bokhaar bedryf wil in gaan. Kom asseblief volgende jaar weer. Dankie tannie Sanmarie en thank you Beauty.” Pieter Potgieter.
“Dankie dat tannie-hulle ons meer geleer het oor bokhaar. Dit was ‘n baie interessante kursus en ek het baie geleer daaruit. Die verskillende klasse is baie indrukwekkend en interessant. Dankie weer en asseblief kom volgende jaar weer.” Albert Lourens.
“Ek het dit geniet om oor die hare te leer en ek het goed geleer wat ek nooit geweet het nie. Ek het baie geleer ook oor die bok self en hul ouderdomme. Dit was baie lekker en ek het baie geleer.” Kobus Oosthuizen.
“Ek wil net begin om baie dankie te sê vir tannie hulle. Dankie vir die moeite wat julle ingesit het met die kursus. Ek dink elkeen wat daar was om iets te leer het defnitief iets geleer. Van hoe die hare moet lyk en hoe om dit te klas. Ek dink dit het baie seuns blootgestel aan die goeie werk wat daar buite met angora bokke is. Dit was baie lekker gewees om oor die hare te leer en met dit te werk.” Anrieg Small.
We extend our gratitude to Mr. Gerrit Liebenberg, Head of Department at the school, for his arrangements and for allowing us to visit the school. Special thanks also to the hostel for their hospitality and the delicious lunch provided.
Last month, House of Fibre, supported by Mohair South Africa, hosted two successful mohair classing courses at Winterberg and Marlow.
Students at Winterberg
At Winterberg Agricultural High School in Fort Beaufort, 19 Grade 10 students participated in the hands-on learning experience guided by mohair industry experts. The interactive training session provided insights into mohair classing, fostering a deeper understanding of the industry among students.
Mohair classing in action
Similarly, at Marlow Agricultural High School near Cradock, 26 Grade 11 Marlow Boys participated in a Mohair Classing Course led by House of Fibre. Representatives were present to administer tests and witness the skills displayed by these young students, further igniting their passion for the mohair industry.
Students at Marlow
The students attending these agricultural schools represent the future of the mohair industry, including farmers, field agents, valuers, classers, and buyers. Recognising the significance of educational support, Mohair South Africa remains dedicated to nurturing the development of tomorrow's leaders within the mohair industry.