Contact: (+27) 041 992 4880
Email: info@hinterveld.com
Website: Click here
The Hinterveld Mill (part of the Stucken Group) is a dedicated weaver and knitter of rare and natural fibre products.
Cape Mohair
Contact: (+27) 021 534 4134
Email: info@capemohair.co.za
Website: Click here
In 1991, Cape Mohair started out small, making socks from a combination of mohair, wool and a lot of love.
La Mohair South Africa
Contact: (+27) 084 583 2553
Email: lprimmer@lamohair.co.za
Website: Click here
La Mohair is an all-women-team, producing a more diverse catalog of products for luxury retail distributors in Europe, Japan and the US.
Barnard Mohair
Contact: 073 039 2013
Email: info@mohairweavers.com | louise@barnardmohair.com
Website: Click here
Pure mohair blankets by Jan-Paul Barnard. The factory is base in Alicedale, a small tree lined village in the arid Eastern Cape in South Africa.