Cape Mohair
Contact: (+27) 021 534 4134
Email: info@capemohair.co.za
Website: Click here
In 1991, Cape Mohair started out small, making socks from a combination of mohair, wool and a lot of love.
R&R Anonymous Knitwear
Contact: (+27) 021 762 6424
Email: randranonymous@outlook.com
Website: Click here
Zanip Bohardien is the owner and director of R&R Anonymous Knitwear, producers of 100% natural fibre fashioned knitwear.
Adele's Mohair
Contact: (+27) 0466 75 1090
Email: info@adelesmohair.co.za
Website: Click here
Adéle’s Mohair is a labour-intensive cottage industry, producing designer knitting yarns, accessories and home textiles.
La Mohair South Africa
Contact: (+27) 084 583 2553
Email: lprimmer@lamohair.co.za
Website: Click here
La Mohair is an all-women-team, producing a more diverse catalog of products for luxury retail distributors in Europe, Japan and the US.
Contact: (+27) 076 723 6563
Email: chat@wrapt.co.za
Website: Click here
Wrapt was started in early 2018 in Johannesburg, SA. Our team of five make limited edition knitwear using beautiful, sustainable yarn.
Vuya Knitwear
Contact: (+27) 76 284 0859
Email: jacques@vuyagroup.co.za
Website: Coming Soon
Vuya knitwear is a Cape Town based natural fibre (Mohair, Wool, and Cotton) knitwear manufacturer that offers industrial knitting capability on 1 ½ - 14-gauge machines.
Contact: (+27) 082 789 6686
Email: andrew@ruskorex.com | jared@ruskorex.com
Website: Click here
Mohair of the “DIAMOND FIBRE” as it often referred to, has become synonymous with South Africa as the gem it has been named after.
Nomvula's Knitters
Contact: (+27) 082 478 3022
Email: nomvulasknitters@gmail.com
Website: Click here
When the founder of Nomvula’s, Frances Becker, was christened, the heavens opened. The rain that fell that day broke a severe drought.