Mohair South Africa

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Biodiversity Restoration & Regenerative Land Management Project

The Biodiversity Restoration & Regenerative Land Management Project is a collaboration between the H&M Group and BKB, to support South African farmers on their regenerative journeys. The project spans across 85 farms in South Africa, with the Weltevrede farm, in the Kommadagga area in the Eastern Cape, being one of the selected farms.

TruQuest , a project partner of BKB’s conducted the Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) on the Weltevrede Farm, scientifically selecting 10 monitoring points to assess the effectiveness and health of ecosystem processes such as biodiversity, soil health, and ecosystem function (water cycle, mineral cycle, energy flow and community dynamics).

The EOV provides a monitoring tool for farmers to make informed management decisions using data collected,while promoting land and livestock health and biodiversity.

Mohair South Africa (MSA) and the Mohair Empowerment Trust (MET) visited the Weltevrede farm for their first short-term EOV, demonstrating their support for the project and to gain first hand understanding of what is being done. The Weltevrede farm graduated from the Mohair Empowerment Trust programme in 2019 and is now a commercial mohair and wool farm.

Overall, the Biodiversity Restoration & Regenerative Land Management Project is a significant initiative aimed at promoting land and animal health and biodiversity. The collaboration between different organizations, including, H&M Group, BKB, and TruQuest is supporting South African farmers on their regenerative journeys.

We would like to thank BKB and all the other partners involved for all the hard work to make this happen.