On farm training with SAMGA, MET and Dr Mackie.


Western Cape

It is exciting to see the increase in requests for the SAMGA and MET team to do on farm training with the farmers and the farm workers. We value these opportunities as training is one of our key roles within the industry. We encourage more farmers to do the same as this is how we grow, learn, and improve our Agri businesses.

The farm workers spend so much time with our goats, it is vital that we are up to date with animal health and best practices. They do respond so positively, and farmers that have invested this time can vouch for the positive results.

Neil Quale, an Angora stud breeder in the Caledon area invited Sanmarie Vermaak, Beauty Mokgwamme andDr Mackie Hobsonto do on-farm training at his farm. They also visited a few other farms and two agricultural schools as mentioned below:

30 January – Koos du Toit - Robertson

·      Koos, a wine farmer, started with 50 angora goats early in 2022 and he now has approximately 500. He is passionate about his animals and his goats run on another farm that is like a karoo farm.

·      While visiting, one of his goats died so the ladies guided Koos on how to do a post-mortem and then sent pics to Dr Mackie to diagnose. This was a perfect example for Koos to experience the industry support that is offered to our South African mohair farmers.

31 January – Neil Quale - Caledon

Training Day for farmers and the farm workers.

·      Koos du Toit joined from Robertson.
·      Dr Mackie presented the animal health and best practices for handling angora goats.
·      Sanmarie presented Financial/Budget planning, alcohol, and drug abuse.
·      Beauty did mohair classing training. 

1 February – Roderique Smit – Piketberg

The team visited Roderique to provide him with the latest information on the mohair industry.

·      Roderique started farming with angora goats in 2022.
·      He currently has 98 goats.
·      His first clip was sold on the 14th of Feb auction, and he did well.
·      Dr Mackie trained Roderique and the farmworker on animal health and best practices for handling angora goats

1 February – Augsburg Landbou Gimnasium – Van Rhynsdorp

The team trained 25 grade 10 students, who worked with their own angora goats.

·      Beauty presented the history of the Angora Goat and mohair classing.
·      Dr Mackie presented animal health and best practices for handling angora goats.

2 February – Arno and Selma de Jager – Namaqua

The team visited Arno and Selma to provide them with the latest information on the mohair industry.

·       Arno has been farming for more than 13 years and has over 500 goats.
·       They have had a drought and lost a few goats, however had a good kidding season. 

3 February – Boland Agricultural School (BAS) – Paarl

Sanmarie and Beauty visited the school to discuss angora goat farming education at the school.

·      Meeting with the Deputy Principal, the son of a mohair farmer from Cradock.
·      It was agreed that SAMGA and MET will do training at BAS and assist with their Youth show going forward.
·      https://bolandlandbou.co.za/

 16 & 17 February – Oakdale Agricultural School and Riversdale Agricultural Show

Oakdale Agricultural School

Sanmarie visited the school to discuss angora goat farming education at the school.

·      Meeting with the head of Agriculture at the school.
·      SAMGA, MET, MSA will annually provide 2 days of training in February on Angora goat farming during the school’s training week.

Riversdale Agricultural Show

Sanmarie attended the Youth Show held at the Riversdale Show.

·      Lots of children from different schools and backgrounds took part and there was a wide variety of animals including angora goats.
·       The value of youth shows is that it teaches children to respect, care for and work with various animals.
·      We are interested in the children that work with angora goats as this is where education starts, discipline is gained and hopefully a future with the animal and the fibre.


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