NAMPO 2023

Collage of adults at NAMPO agricultural roadshow

Last week NAMPO 2023, hosted by Grain SA near Bothaville, in the Free State, was the NAMPO of old, that the agricultural community of South Africa has come to know and appreciate over the past 55 years! - Farmers Review Africa

With 81 945 visitors (1000 more than the record of 2018) and 823 exhibitors this year, Nampo had a lot to offer the young and old. Close to 200 planes and 75 helicopters landed on NAMPO Park’s runway during the week!!!

Children with Angora goat, women trying on mohair socks, and woman looking closely at goat

The SA Mohair Growers stall was once again the favourite in the Livestock section as everybody, came to meet and take photos with ‘Noodle’, our beautiful angora goat and to shop for locally made mohair products.

It was great to see how many people who bought mohair socks last year came back to ‘reload’ for another year. Some of these customers removed their socks on our stand and put on a new pair before walking off ever so chuffed with themselves. The mohair socks, mohair blankets and knitting yarns were big sellers and in most cases, were sold out. The total turnover for four days was R234 000.00

Candid shots of guests at NAMPO agricultural show 2023

Interestingly, we have several new angora goat producers farming in the Free State, North West and Gauteng areas that came to introduce themselves and learn more about farming with our beautiful breed. Most of these producers only started farming with angora goats in the last 6 months. Most of our branch members from Gauteng and North West stopped by to greet us and show their support. We appreciate this effort – thank you.

Our stall was visited by Dr Ivan Meyer, Minister of Agriculture in the Western Cape, a good friend of SAMGA and a local celebrity, Martie van Graan from the Boerboel Clothing Adverts. 

Message from Sanmarie Vermaak:

“ I want to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues, Nickey Small from MSA and Beauty Mokgwamme from MET for their hard work before, during and after Nampo. Thank you to Stanley Jafta, from Steytlerville who always assists us and the special way that he cares for our goats and stall during the days and evenings. To our Producers that gave up their farming to join us and work alongside us, thank you Sias Reynolds and Mark Shires, we appreciate your presence and support. Marco Coetzee, you attended your first NAMPO, thank you for your time and we enjoyed it.  Finally, I would like to thank Hans Greeff from the Grootfontein College of Agriculture for always assisting us with top quality goats for Nampo. It makes us so proud to see the public’s reaction to your goats.”


Feedback from Congress


An incredible hour with Frances vH in her studio in Prince Albert